This week there was a heatwave in Italy and we had up to 36° Celsius. I had a hard time to adapt to this temperature and was struggling with headaches. Fortunately after 8 hot days, temperatures are adjusting to normal and some wind is blowing.
I am so happy it is friday and I just hope that every one can start relaxing now. I found this music is soothing.
So nice. This makes me feel better every time I hear it.
This here is geek font humour. I absolutely love the end.
I think it was one of my brilliant ideas of my life to call this blog "finally it's friday" - seldom these three words have been more true than today. I had a really hard and harsh week. I thought, I've seen it all, but then there is always someone who can make it worse. Puzzling! :-O So, hurray to Friday! I need to party. Here are three songs that I listened all week through - my no-calories tiramisu. "I love" from a great talented Sam Bennett. I love the rhythm - this song will make your feet move! "Looking at the sun" by Gramcery Arms is a relaxing smooth song - and we all love the sunshine, right? And if you really want to rock the clouds away "The drawing board" is the right song for you!
Did I get your attention? :-)
Here a supersweet short film I loved so much. If you are the nervous kind of person ("I don't have the time to see something that needs more than 2 minutes") - use your lunch break to see this. You'll need it!
Have a good Friday and a better weekend, Belle p.s. I saw Star Trek! Awesome!
It's useless to deny it, this week I counted the days until today. it's been a long time that I haven't felt so much anticipation for a movie.
I have seen the trailer this wednesday in cinema waiting for the main movie (Wolverine) to begin and I was completely enthusiastic for the richness of this movie. That is what cinemas were made for: galactic battles, explosions and men that look significantly in each other's eyes. Wow. I am not certain if I can see it today, but this weekend for sure.
If you are not too much in galactic battles, just remember, is there any place more romantic than space? With all the stars around you? Aaaw!
So, just to completely change subject, here something to laugh at gender roles:
See the whole hilarious book at Emily's blog. She writes: "I love gender roles. I really do. But I just know that this would be like, a lawsuit on every page." Fortunately it is just plain funny (for us; for others it is still bloody reality). Though, I must say, I really relate to that reading girl... if boys what to make things comfortable, just go ahead. Since you're at it, could you fix me a drink, sweetie?
Have a good Friday, a better weekend, live long & prosper! Belle
Recently I had some “first times”, which is something that happens as lesser as you age. So I try always to mentally take note every time I have a “first-timer”: first time I had a drink in a mirror-bar (which is mind-blowing); first time I wrote something similar to a “last will” which turned out mind blowing, too, but in a very funny way; first time I told a friend to make her mistakes and not to marry them (she appreciated it, very). I noticed that every time I do something new it gives me a little happy kick – like the kick I had when I realized that I really ride the bike without safety wheels (do you remember that moment?).
Wednesday I went to a party, which isn’t actually something I did for the first time, but not since a long, long, looong time. And in the middle of the week! :-o How dare you? I got there directly after work without changing and you could divide the party in people like me and people that had the time to change. Lights were low, drinks were free, so I didn’t matter a lot. I wouldn’t have gone, if it weren’t for a good friend and I intended to go home early – but then, against all odds, I had the time of the month. It was amazing! I found myself 10 years younger, talking, laughing, flirting; I was so happy people asked me “Belle, are you drunk??” – I swear I just had lemonade (a first-timer, too). I left among the last (midnight… everyone was very responsible, times are hard) and when I came home I found the first issue of “wired” – Italian edition. (And I thought they had lost my subscription; I should trust the world more.) I flipped through it completely, knowing the next morning I would deeply regret it; but hey, never let a “first time” pass unused.
Sitting here and taking the time to write to you out there, where ever / who ever you are, is something that I do hoping it will make at least one person smile and feel better than before. I have a lot of these moments during the day, mood shifts, up and down, so I opt for the up. Unfortunately >up< is much harder than >down<, so this blog is like a little mental gym for me. I found, that the general "red alert" feeling around me (justified or not) takes (not to say 'sucks') a lot of energy from me, so I found this very helpful.
Leonie Allan made this great poster for free download. "Work disconnected"?? I wished I could! I tried it several times for 2x3h shifts, but the telephone always gets me. I should insist more. ;-)