Freitag, 2. November 2007

Hopp Hopp

Do you remember a TV spot where zillions of colored balls bounce down the hills from san francisco? I do.. I remember that I was stunned and I wanted to see it again and again! (And I had to have the soundtrack!)
The Spot was for Sony, advertising their product TV Bravia and the balls were for real, yes they really bounced down the street.

Now there is a new spot which is genius and again I am stunned and want to see it again and again.

Are these rabbits real? Everybody knows how much work it is to make a plasticine animation.. but it is true! It’s amazing what 2.5 tons of play-doh, 40 animators, 3 weeks time and a goal in common can do!
Have a good Friday and a better weekend, Belle

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