Freitag, 5. September 2008

Buffalo Wisdom

Here's the right music to start the Friday, a bittersweet melancholy with the hint of far away, wind and adventure. Beautiful!

From the band Moriarty, all to discover!

Other things to discover: recently the Guardian published "The 50 greatest arts videos on YouTube" were you can dig yourself through Music, Literature, Film and Art. A wonderful collection which will open your mind and gives you at least 10 good discussions on the next boring party.

My personal favourit is this Pollock Video.

I want to crawl inside and be there! ;-)

Sadly, the Guardian didn't consider Design and Graphics an Art, so I add my personal two videos on this subject.

To close this post with another collection of equal brilliantness: Vanity Fairs's Hitchcock Classics!

They took famous Scenes from Hitcchocks work and set them up again with today-famous actors.

I've chosen stills from my favourit film "North by Northwest"

One of the best dialogues ever (oh, were boring books can lead to..! ;-))!

Have a good Friday and a better weekend, Belle

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