Freitag, 30. Januar 2009


Let's start with another beautiful musical video. A Stop-motion film featuring Oren Lavie's "Her Morning Elegance". Made me dream!

(made by them)

Sun been down for days
A pretty flower in a vase
A slipper by the fireplace
A cello lying in its case...

Simple lyrics, very evocative, a masterpiece by itself.

So, uh, how was your week? Mine was quite full of thousand things: in the office we had an important sales meeting which ended in a great dinner, laughing until late about sales stories around the world (loved the australian versions, they more or less included all poisonous animals, haha!). Thursday a colleague asked how to extend his notebook screen to his peripheral wide screen and I completely messed up his settings (because no pc is created equal to another) and nobody knew how to go back.
Best of it; he didn't blame me, but himself and after trying 20 minutes all different combinations of settings, restarting, un-plugging and calling the technician for help, we were still in the same messy position. Frustrated he went to smoke and I went back to my office, deeply in shame for what had happened. There was a skype-message waiting for me. It happened to be an ex-colleague/friend who is a pc head. I told him about my mess and he came up with three different solutions. This was nice, but actually I didn't want to touch anyone's pc any more. Ever.
When I left office for lunch-break I saw my BOSS trying to set up my colleague's pc, which made me feel even worse. Omg, what had I done?
I went to lunch to see my BF in a shopping mall, he saw my worried face and asked "what's wrong?". I was reluctant to tell him; he understands computers even lesser than me and I didn't want to spoil the lunch with my stupid problems. But then I told him anyway. And he said: "in my office, when we connect notebooks to peripherals we do it by pressing this and that - after lunch let's see the pc-shop and I show you how." And this was more or less similar to one of my friend's three conclusions. My crazy mind was like "well: two out of four - you should give it a try!"
Back in the office I passed at my colleague's. "So, uhm, how's it going?" "Still the same!" "Well, would you mind if I try a last thing?" "Well, sure..."
Actually I was really amazed how he handled all the situation. He never blamed me or got nervous with me (I would have been in his position) and he gave me a last try, it was really nice. So, I tried the key-pressing-combination my BF had shown me and it didn't work. What a delusion. We stared in silence at the blank black screen.
"What is this key here?", I wondered.
And - magic - it worked!! I was overwhelmed with relief - he was overjoyed and we cheered like soccer players after a goal!
Lesson learned:
a) I will never touch anybody's pc any more. Never. Ever. Period.
b) Be thankful that a lot of people are much more patient than yourself.
c) Without magic this world would be a very very sad place.

Sam Spencer brings the magic to grey rainy days.

So, finally it's Friday and I cannot wait to chill out the week with beer&book.

Just another thing: I found this interview with Illustrator Frank Chimero very inspiring. He talks about tools, cheap tools. Cheap paper, cheap pens, using scissors and getting started - instead of being paralysed in front of expensive material. Made me think of the days when I made my best drawings on the back of paper-to-recycle.

Have a good Friday and a magic weekend, Belle

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